Monday, April 7, 2014

April 8, 2014

Two sets f:
Max Double Unders in 2 minutes
rest as needed

Take 15 minutes to find a Max Bench Press

Five sets of:
Max Calories on AirDyne in :30
rest 2 minutes

Three sets of:
Max Distance on Rower in :30
rest two minutes


  1. A: 147, 158 Felt good but was definatly difficult to maintain 2 minutes worth

    B: worked up to 275. Matched my last PR. Tried for 285 but didn't get it up. Next Time!!!

    C: 20, 22, 21, 19, 18 steadily declined each round. Legs turned to Jello!

    D: 13, 15, 16 Misread the instructions and did calories rather than distance on the erg.

  2. A: 122, 129
    * I feel like I did pretty well on my DU today. Hit 57 unbroken to start the second set and I averaged over 60 a minute so I'm happy with that at the moment.

    B: 285
    * Definitely not as strong as I used to be, but I guess it's not too bad seeing as how we never bench press.

    C: 25, 24, 23, 21, 22
    * My quads were on fire after this one! I honestly could barely walk lol

    D: 16, 15, 15
    * Me and scott accidentally counted calories on this one,,, I was definitely missing some power after that killer airdyne workout.

  3. A: 51 (only counted second set)
    * I found a new rope and it worked really well for me and I was able to accomplish more DU than I ever have before, so that is a PR for me.

    B: 140

    C: 14, 23, 17, 15, 15

    D: 127, 125, 127

  4. A. 123, and then 131.. I felt like I could do a bit more but overall im impressed. I had 120 as the number in my head so I found myself slowing down as i approached it because I was seeing that number. I think I could have pushed more

    B. 65,95,115,120,125, 135 three times with a spotter then 130 with a spotter Umm I must work on these...

    C. I did 5 sets of 30 second sprints 2 min rest in between.

    D. Ran 2 miles..

  5. A: 166/170 did 100 unbroken for the second set!
    B: maxed at 245, need/WANT to do more bench
    C: 16/19/22/24/24-finally just put my head down and sucked it up for each round
    D: 146m, 148m, 150m, my quads were smoked from the airdyne, so I was just trying to keep moving
