Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 18, 2014

Power Jerk + Jerk (2+1)

Front Squat - 

3 Rounds For Time:
50 Cal Row
15 Handstand Push Ups
50 Double Unders


  1. A: 135, 155, 155, 185, 185 Power jerk was tough. Split jerk is getting better every day. Focused on getting under the bar and really bending that back leg. Also on locking out the elbows. Brian gave me some good accesory work to help build strength in the lockout

    B: 185, 195, 215 Front squats felt really solid.

    C: 16:06 Hit a wall sooner than I wanted to on the handstand pushups. The last set of DU also broke a couple of times.

  2. A: 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
    * Jerks felt really clean and fast today and even the last set of 225 didn't feel too bad.

    B: 215, 215, 235, 255
    * Front squat's felt easy and quick. I was going off of the 350 max percentages and still upped it 5 lbs each set.

    C: 2 rds complete --> 3 HSPU
    * The HSPU killed me. I went 5/4/3/3 and 5/3/2/2/1/1/1 on those. Wasn't too comfortable with my hands on the mat. I like being connected to the ground more. But on a good note I went unbroken on both of my sets of DU so that was good.

    D: Did a few muscle ups on some shorter rings to focus on the explosiveness of the hips. Then did some handstand walk practice, just trying to get more comfortable being inverted. Had a few pretty good walks tho and hit the 10 foot mark!

  3. 95# 115# 130 # 140# 145# failed the second power jerk 145# failed the
    first power jerk and 145# failed the second power jerk again I felt
    okay except for the back to back power jerks. I had a hard time
    composing myself for the next one.

    Front squats 120# 120# 130# 140#
    Overall I felt really good with the squats

    C. Did not have time for the work out :(
