Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 9, 2014

Three attempts:
Max Effort L-Sit Hold
rest as needed

Three sets of:
Max Effort Unbroken Muscle ups
rest 2 minutes
Max Effort Muscle Ups in 60 seconds
rest as needed

For Time:
250m Row
10 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
20 Toes to Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead (95 lbs/65 lbs)
40 Kettlebell Swings (53 lbs/ 35 lbs)
50 Double Unders


  1. A: 23, 22, 20
    * L- sits are probably the hardest thing ever lol It would be sweet to hold that for a min though!

    B: 5/7... 4/6... 5/5
    * Before today my PR was a triple and I beat that on every round! A 2 rep PR baby!! :)

    C: 5:41
    * Before we started, my tentative goal was around 5 min, but as I was feeling it out, I think if I would've pushed any harder on any of the elements it would have made the next element that much more difficult... Kept a good pace on the rower, hopped off and hit the 10 box jump overs quickly, headed straight to the bar and went 10/5/3/2 on the T2B with minimal rest, went straight to the bar and went 20/10 with minimal rest, headed to the KB and went 20/10/10 with probably 5-8 secs in between, and finally went 37 unbroken to start the DU which is usually my worst element so I was very happy with that.

  2. * Please review my previous days as I have just updated them *

    A: 25, 11, 15
    * Last week I could barely do these, but today I was able to do them longer and with better form. It's starting to amaze me at how quickly my body is adapting to everything. I'm very excited to see how far I can go within the next 6 months.

    B: Since I can't do MU, I had to do C2B and ring dips.
    1 - C2B: 2-7(purple band)
    2 - Ring dips: 3-4 (Rx - PR)

    C: 9:05
    * Today I'm very proud of myself and happy with my performance. I kept going through all stations and pushed myself and I PR'd on 3 events. I'm so excited about all of my improvements. This makes me very excited for future workouts and the future.

  3. Part a. I did L sit holds on the rings proved to be a bigger challenge than expected 14, 13,13

    B. I did ring dips and Chest to bars
    1 dips were 9 unbroken 11 max effort. I still don't kip with these and it's proving to be a problem. I messed around a bit and am starting to get a grove.. Overall im happy with the 9 unbroken

    Chest to bar 6 unbroken and 15 max effort... The stitches are really a factor on pull ups

    C. I was really unhappy with how I felt overall I was incredibly low energy and finished in 7:04 oh well off days are a part of training!

  4. A: 37, 22, 20
    B: 2, 2, 2, 3....these are getting better for me. Trying to link the 3rd on is tough but I'm sure I'll get it if I keep practicing. Just really need to dry consistant and drill it.
    C: 6:40

  5. A: 15/13/15
    B: 3 m/u attempts, then
    12 unbroken C2B pullups
    rest 2 mins
    11 C2B in 60 seconds
    rest 3 mins
    11 unbroken C2B pullups
    rest 2 mins
    10 C2B in 60 seconds
    rest 3 mins
    15 unbroken ring dips
    rest 2 mins
    16 ring dips in 60 seconds
    rest 3 mins
    6 unbroken ring dips
    rest 2 mins
    11 ring dips in 60 seconds
    I really broke down on the second set of ring dips, definitely need to improve on the dips.

    C: 8:06, started out really fast on the row and jump overs, 10 then singles on the toes to bar, 10, 5,5,5,5 on the S2OH, 10,10,10,10 on the KB swings, then just hung on and finished the D/U's as fast as I could. The all out sprint at the beginning came back to haunt me after the toes to bar, but it was a good tester for me.
