Monday, April 21, 2014

April 22, 2014

You have 20 minutes to complete:

3:00 minutes in a Nose to Wall handstand hold
2:00 minutes in a L-Sit Hold
1:00 minute in a Chin-Over-Bar Hold

Bench Press

3 Reps @ 70% of "Training Max"
3 Reps @ 80% of "Training Max"
3+ Reps @ 90% of "Training Max"

3 rounds for time @97%:
8 KBS (2pd/1.5pd)
8 Burpee box jump (24in/20in)
8 AD cals
Rest 15 min
3 rounds for time @97%:
8 KBS (2pd/1.5pd)
8 Burpee box jump (24in/20in)
8 AD cals


  1. A: 21:30
    * Took me a little longer to complete this than I expected. The nose to wall holds were a lot harder with the hands under the shoulder rather than outside. The L-sits were by far the worst.

    B: I had to do the rep scheme from last week since I wasn't here, so I did 5/5/5+ at 65/75/85%
    - 165, 190, 215 x 11 reps (15 sec rest after 5th rep)

    - 3;29
    - 3:16
    * I changed up the strategy a bit for the 2 round as well as moved the equipment around to make for quicker transitions. In the second round, I came out of the gates hard for the first set, settled down into a good pace for the second set, and then throttled up again to finish strong in the third.

  2. A: 20:00 cut off and I still had just about a minute of l-sits to do. Only able to maintain 5-10 seconds on the l-sits. Needs work

    B: training max 250
    3@ 195
    3@ 210
    3+@225 I got 5 reps

    Shaved 13 seconds. Went from first round lateral hops over the box to a box facing burpee on the second round and stayed a little more consistant.

  3. A: i did not finish my L-sits by 35 seconds or my chin over bar holds by 1:30. Need more work on those!

    B: 60, 70, 75. Did 7 sets at 75#

    C: We were short an airdyne so i had to delay my start by 41 seconds. I couple of time i had to wait for a box. Finished the first part in 6:45

    I set up an extra box for the second part so i wouldn't have to wait. I finished at 6:23 but had to wait for the airdyne once.
