Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 25, 2014

New Cycle Guys! 

Snatch - 70% x 3 x 5

Snatch Pull - 85% (of snatch) x 4 x 5

Pause back squat - 65% x 5 x 5

Build to a 1rm wtd. Pull-Up in 6 sets or fewer

For max reps:
60 seconds of Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds of Kipping Hanstand Push-Ups
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds of Ring Dips


  1. Sad I didn't get to start the new cycle today, but I had to get my HOTW workout in this morning! That was super rough and I'll be feeling this all week again lol

    90 reps

    * I was so close to hitting that last thruster and if I would've I could have hit a handful of toes to bar to get between that 95-100 rep range, but unfortunately I had nothing left after that front squat. A little disappointed but hopefully the score holds up.

  2. Thank you for posting Jeffrey. Everyone else, I hate you all...

  3. Hey you need to wait! Some of us have busy days!! :P

  4. A. 100#
    My snatches are so good but when I'm on the bottom I wobble and have to sit there till I settle. I know I need lifters and I'm working on it. But yah, snatches were pretty solid other than that.

    These were also great. I felt strong with these but one thing I am noticing with my squats is that when it starts getting tough and feeling heavy, my knees cave in when pushing back up and then I have to force them back out. I've been trying to not do it but it seems almost impossible. I just can't seem to make it stop. Any tips or advice on that?

    D. 25# with out body weight. With body weight(165) its 190# total.

    E. 15 15 10 4
    I hate all of these. I have been working my ass off trying to get stronger and I feel like my progress in my upper body sucks. But that could be me just being hard on myself. My pulls are getting much better, I was able to get in a few butterflies too. A few weeks ago I couldn't do more than one. I got in about 8 this time. My strict hspu were with two mats, my kipping is much more stable and quicker now, but my arms were getting fatigued pretty quickly with those. And by the time I got to the ring dips...forget about it. I was struggling on each one and that really pisses me the hell off. Why am I so weak in my upper body? I also knownit doesn't help being 165#. So I've decided that losing some more weight needs to be a priority and I think its really gonna help with everything. So I'm going on a very strict 8 week diet and I'm going to have a work out plan 4 days a week that will help me burn more fat and calories than just our wods. Getting stronger is so important to me, I'm sick of not being able to do anything on the bars and rings. Its time to make a change.

    1. Hey Dev, if you need help or have questions, let me know.

  5. I did HOTW workout for my first portion and it was rough!! I might have to re do to try and get a few more reps in.

    A: did not do my legs felt a bit beat up
    B: 135 had to keep it light
    C: 185 yes light but it felt very heave after the qualifier
    E: lost count of my pull ups but it wasn't a big number 40+
    19 strict hand stands
    22 kipping
    32 dips

  6. A. Snatch I did all power snatches, 65# 75# 75# 85# 85#
    B. snatch pulls all at 95#
    c. pause backsquat at 135# im sore today so thanks
    D. i ran out of time so i did one pull up at 10# extra
    E. pull ups: i utilized my butterflies that im working on and got 21
    strict hspu i used one mat and got 15
    kipping hspu no mat i got 12 I could have done more but brian walked by in a tank top he stole from karens closet and i was distracted.
    strict dips i got 10
