Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 6, 2014

3-Position Clean (floor, below knee, above knee) + Jerk
70% x 4 sets
Clean Pull
90% (of cln) x 3 x 2
95% x 3 x 2
Good Morning - 3x5

Every minute on the minute, for 20 minutes
Even - 10 Russian KB Swings (heavy)
Odd - 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30"/24")


  1. A: 185, 195, 205x4 sets
    * These felt pretty good. Felt like I was getting a strong pull. My jerks were strong but there were a couple miscues in there like my left elbow being loose on one, and me catching the split off balance on another.

    B: 255, 255, 270, 270
    * Pulls felt heavy but still good until the last set, had 2 sloppy reps. One I was too far back, the other I was over my toes lol

    C: 95, 115 x 4
    * I do romanian deadlifts for these because my back does some weird twinge when I do regular good mornings.

    D: All rounds complete!
    * Finished all of my burpee rounds in 29-30 secs excluding the last round which was 37 sec ... Finished all of my swings in 15 sec with an 80 lb kettle. That was rough!

    E: 4 sets of static handstand holds ... 10 mat handstand walk
    * My holds are getting better each time so that's encouraging... my walk was a little sloppy but I still finished in 1:13 so I'm happy.

  2. A: Just cleans, no jerk, my left shoulder has been really tight. 135/145/155/155/155/155
    B: 205/205/215/215
    C: Banded Good Mornings for all sets
    D: Make it through 4 complete sets, then 8 of each on the next set, then started AMRAP, got 2 more rounds plus 10 burpee box jump overs.
    E: 4 handstand holds on the wall, still getting comfortable upside down.

  3. A) 90, 100, 110
    B) 150, 155
    C) 70
    D) used 70# KB. Holy crap so hard. Did four rounds completely. The rest of the rounds I did 6 box jump burpee things. Always finished 10 kb swings though.

  4. A: 135, 155, 175
    B: 245 , 265 above my 100%
    C: all rounds completed.
    used the 88lbs KB finished all rounds at about 20sec.
    finished all box jump burpees at about 40sec.
    this one was rough!!!

  5. A: 70-80lbs
    B: 120,125
    C: was only able to complete the first 3 rounds of box jumps then fell to 8 for the remainder. Used a 53(?) KB and was able to keep all the swings withing the minute. This was a tough one to keep moving on. Felt like I was going to die ;). Thanks for the "fun" work out Brian.
