Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 27, 2014

5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

Good Morning x 3 x 5 

For Time:
50 DU
10 burpees
40 DU
10 burpees
30 DU
10 burpees
20 DU
10 burpees
10 DU
10 burpees


  1. Came in early today to do the hotw workout before heading to burning man. Got 75. Not terribly pleased with that. But considering how exhausted I am I guess it's okay. I would have really like to redo this work out with the better pacing plan in place

  2. A. I went a tad heavier on the dead lifts
    185# all 5 unbroken, 210# all unbroken and 240# I only got 5 unbroken

    B. I did the goodmornings with 65#

    C. went slow on the burpees Im feeling fatigue this morning

  3. A: 340, 365, 385 x 8
    * Deads felt good today, haven't pulled heavy with consistency for a while so this should be good! I was happy with 8 reps at 385.

    B: 105
    * Good mornings felt fine but I still have that click in my lower back when I come up to full extension.

    C: 4:11
    * This wod went really well. Missed the first rep on the set of 30 and 10 DU but other than that I went unbroken which was good! Kept a fast pace on the burpees.

    D: 5 rds not for time
    - 2 mats handstand walk
    - 2 rope climbs
    * Hand stand walks were pretty good. Got 3/5 sets unbroken... still working on the rope climbs but I can get to the top in 2 pulls with a good jump.
