Monday, August 4, 2014

August 5, 2014

Every minute on the minute, for 16 minutes
Odd - Toes to Bar x 8 reps
Even - Strict Handstand Push Up x 8 reps

Power Clean + Power Jerk
Overhead Squat
3 Sets For Max Reps Of:
Run 800m
2 Minutes of Double-Unders
1 Minute of Muscle-Ups
Rest 3 minutes


  1. A: HSPU's improving, did 6 each time, with the 1st being strict, all sets of T2B were 8 unbroken, definitely getting better at stringing them together, very happy with progress on HSPU's.
    B: Still limited by upper thoracic mobility, 115/115/115/135/135
    C: 135/135/155/155/155
    D1: 3:47, 137 d/u, 0 jumping m/u
    D2: 4:02, 130 d/u, 4 jumping m/u
    D3: 3:50, 140 d/u, 4 jumping m/u

  2. A:toes 2 bar all unbroken then
    8-8-8-8-7-6-5-5 on hspu
    Made Thé first 4 rds strict then fell by one rep Each rd
    170, 185 clean is fine although it Was pretty slow today. Its thé power jerk position overhead I Still struggle with. Last rep Was solid!
    C: skipped thé ohs Due to my left shoulder issues im Still battling. Got some good physical therapy from coach Brian du ring this time!!!
    Rd 1
    Run 3:38
    150 DU
    5 MU
    Rd 2
    Run 3:47
    125 DU
    6 MU
    Rd 3
    Run 3:50
    110 DU
    5 MU
    A little dissapointed in thé MU but I Was very surprises How difficult They were after 2 min of DU

  3. A. Got to 6 minutes and had to stop. I have cysts in my wrists that come back time to time and cause me pain. These are ones you don't want to push so I didn't. T2B was 6-2 and hspu pushups are great.

    B. 130 135
    These were quick and solid

    C. 105 110
    These were also quick and solid.

    D. DU 55/85/35 C2B 6/0/0
    I didn't time my runs, I didn't think to until after. My DUs are fine but I was using the worlds worst rope and kept having issues with it. I ordered a brand new rope online 5 days ago so I should have it by the weekend. My reps should be double then. I did chest2bar as a substitute for MU but stopped after 30 sec. My shoulder was really hurting and I could hardly kip myself up. Just not a good day for my upper body.

  4. A: Definitely didn't complete all the strict HSPU. Had to finish all of the sets with a small kip and had to use an ab mat.

    B: 205 x 3 sets... 215 x 2 sets
    * These felt good and solid.

    C: 205, 205, 215, 215, 215
    * These felt ok but not as strong as usual considering we just got done with hspu and power jerks.

    DU - 139, 125, 120
    MU - 4, 5, 4
    * Trying to hit muscle ups after taxing the arms like that is very difficult, but I'm still happy with my performance.
