Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 16, 2013

Five sets of:
Strict Press x 3 reps
-rest 90 seconds
Push Press x 2 reps
-rest 90 seconds
Jerk x 1 rep
-rest 90 seconds

AMRAP 12 min:
2 rope climbs
4 Deficit HSPUs (6”/4”)
6 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

GHD Sit-ups x 15-20 reps
GHRs x 8-10 reps


  1. Press series felt good today. Still working on the lockout on the jerk portion. Got to FINISH the lift!

    B: Was a huge struggle with the deficit HSPU. But continued to make small adjustments to find where I could complete reps. Thanks for the tips Brian!

  2. A: The presses felt good today. Ended up at 135 on the strict press and started working with pushing through the toes on that... much easier! lol ... I ended up at 165 for the push press (probably could've done more, but I was saving some for the jerk) ... I ended up hitting 245 for the jerk and it felt pretty good actually. Try and hit 255 or 265 next time!

    B: Still getting better at the rope climbs (still trying to work on a smoother return from the ground) ... It was my first day back doing handstand pushups. I had to do them on db's and I have a lot of work to do on these. It's one of my weakest movements.
    --> 2 rds complete -> 1 HSPU
