Monday, October 7, 2013

October 8, 2013

3 sets not for time:
Muscle Ups x 3-8 reps
Headstand to pushup x 5 reps
Alternating Pistol Squats x 12-16 reps

Every 90 seconds for 18 minutes (12 sets)
Halting Clean Deadlift + Power Clean + Hi-Hang Clean
-Build load over the course of the 12 sets

6 sets for max reps
1 minute of DB Push Press (45/25)
1 minute of Double Unders
1 minute of Burpee Box Jump overs
- 1 minute of rest

1 comment:

  1. A: Only got 1 muscle up out of my attempts today, so is still some positional work that needs to be done before I become proficient and efficient at them. Everything else was completed.

    B: 135, "", 155, "", 165, 175, "", 185, "", 195, "", 205

    C: Push Press total (136), DU total (245), Burp box jump over total (74)
    Total score: 455

    My double unders began to suffer as I became more fatigued. Just have to focus on the accuracy of the swing even when I'm tired.
