Monday, October 21, 2013

October 22, 2013

3 sets not for time:
Muscle Ups x 5-8 reps
Double Unders x 40-50 reps
L-Sit x :30-:45

Every 30 seconds for 8 minutes:
Clean x 2 reps

-rest 2 minutes

As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 10 minutes:
Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Alternating Pistols x 10 reps

Accessory Work:
 3-5 sets of:
GHRs x 10-12 reps
Pendlay Row x 10 reps
Back Extension x 10 reps


  1. A: completed all. need lots of work on the L-sit
    B:first 8 sets 185, 4 sets 205, finished 185
    C:3 rds + 8 HSPU
    still struggling on HSPU but getting much better.
    D: 3 rds of accessory work.

    Thanks for the push Drew on the clean portion!!

  2. A: Still trying to work on muscle up form, but it's coming along slowly but surely... Double unders still improving but not there yet... L-sit's are rough I'll just say that lol

    B: 185 - I stayed here the whole time because on the first couple rounds the bar was wrecking my shoulder and my wrist isn't quite there to receive the bar in a full clean, so I stuck with power cleans for the duration.

    C: On this section I had to stick with 5 HSPU for the sake getting at least some work on the other exercises... Just gotta build that shoulder strength up again... Pullups felt pretty smooth so that was good... Pistols were good.

    D: 3 sets completed and did 135, 135, 185 on the row.
