Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013

Back Squat
* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%
* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 95%
* Sets 5-8 – Find new 1-RM Squat
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Eight minutes to find a one rep max weighted pull-up

Five sets of:
30 seconds of Handstand Push-Ups
rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Ring Dips
rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Alternating Pistol Squats
rest 30 seconds

2x750m Row
-rest 2 minutes


  1. A: 4@205, 3@235, 2@255, 1@275, PR attempt at 290(f)-I need to work on coming right out of the bottom instead of slowing down, stopping, then trying to stand back up, 1@290 (f)-same as above, 1@290-same, no PR for squat today, but it will be coming soon.

    B: Weighted Pullup-45/70 (PR!)/75 (f)/75 (f)

    C: HSPU Total-15 I kept consistent and did 3 HSPU every round, which is a PR for me. The next step is to start stringing HSPU's together-coming soon!
    Ring Dip Total-64 I tried a few different strategies as far as breaking up my sets, but the most effective seemed to be just stringing together as many as possible as quickly as possible, taking a quick break, then doing the same thing again. Almost burnout sets, but not quite.
    Alternating Pistols-46. Also a first for me. This is the first time I have done unassisted pistols on a consistent basis, so I am am very excited about my progress. I got 10 pistols on the first set, and 9 on all the others. I still need to be more efficient with my movement.

    D: 1st 750m-2:41-this was very close to an all out sprint, and I was pleased with my time
    2nd 750m-2:49-I was still gassed from the first set. I slowed down my stroke rate and tried to be more efficient with my pulls, but still could have gone faster. Still working on my efficiency/speed and balancing the two.

    Overall, despite failing to PR on my back squat, I am still progressing, and felt today was very productive.

  2. A: 315 x 4, 350 x 3, 390 x 2, 415 x 1, 350 x 4
    -- Unfortunately, I didn't feel very strong today so that was disappointing, but I'll come back and keep pushing.

    B: 70
    -- Pullups were never my strong suit but I feel like I've gotten a lot better at them.

    C: Totals:
    - 3 HSPU (I was extremely frustrated by this. I need this to improve very quickly)
    - 83 Ring dips (These were consistent so that was good)
    - 85 Alt Pistols (These weren't bad and I was able to keep them consistent so that was good)

    D: 2:39 , 2:35
    - I felt like my form took a little while to get going today.
