Thursday, July 31, 2014

August 1, 2014

Front Squat 

Push Press 

2 Rounds For Times:
25 Unbroken Pull-Ups
50 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs/14 lbs)

*If you fail to go unbroken during the movement, start over...


  1. A. Front squats felt very good today!
    135# 145# 155#

    B. Hurt my wrist on Sat and still trying to heal it I stuck to one set of 5 at 65# and one at 85# realized the pain was telling me to stop so I did sets of 5 with just the bar for 5 sets

    C. I had to break my pull ups to two sets one set of 15 one set at 10
    I did about 43 unbroken then rested and did 7

    Second round was a little more rough I did 13 then 10 then 2
    The final set of pulll ups
    my wall balls felt great I did a big set of 25 then sets of 10 with one set of 5

    9:05 was my final time

  2. A: 225, 235, 250
    B: 150, 160, 170(felt easy so i increased last 2 sets) 180, 185 Was feeling good so i went for a PR today at 220 and just Missed. Next time!
    C: 7:37
    1st rd of pullups unbroken then approximatly :45 rest before starting wall balls. All 50 ubroken with no rest. Started feeling heavy around rep 35-40. Took approximatly :45 rest before starting next unbroken set of pullups. Then Took approximatly another :45 rest before starting next wall balls. Did 10 with no rest and then Took 2-3 second rest/breathe after Each 3 wall ball shots. Pretty happy about thé pace I maintained on this one

  3. A: 220, 240, 250
    B: 140, 150, 160
    C: 7:52
    Went unbroken on the first 3 portion but once I got to the last wall balls my right arm missed the ball as it came down. Had to start over. First time doing 50 wall balls though and after those #30 balls it's felt easier.

  4. A: 185/185/190/190/205/205/205
    B: 115/125/135/135/135
    C: New PR-25 unbroken pullups/50 unbroken WB Shots 20#
    2nd set 20 pullups, then five, really struggled and slowed down on the 2nd 50 WB shots, but got them done without putting down the ball.
