Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30, 2014

"Triple Three"
3000m Row
300 Double Unders
3 Mile Run

*No Cap

Hoods up. Headphones on. Lets get to work


  1. A: 42:51 for the Triple Three and then 45:10 after the 60 foot handstand walk.

    Rest day here we come!!

  2. 47:00 even. Finished thé row just after thé 12:00 then opened with 75 DU and then sets of 20 til finished. Pretty slow 3 miles.

    I also joined my buddy jeff in doing à 60' handstand walk immediatly after. Or Took me many attempts. My best one being Maybe 6-7 steps. But i am slowly getting better.

  3. 41:28 for the triple three.
    11:36 on the row, DU at sets of 50, and the run my first 2 miles I kept a consistent pace and sped up on last mile.

  4. 54:00
    My double unders took awhile at first but someone came over and gave me all kinds of tips and what not and before i knew it, i was doing sets of 25 and 30, which ive never done. The last mile was when i was getting exhausted and i was having pain in my hip. But like any crossfitter, i ignored the pain and kept going. It was pouring rain when i did this too so that made it pretty interesting. I really enjoyed this workout, i hope we do more of these.

  5. 50:46
    My DU were slow in the beginning because I was using a new rope. I kept the first two miles steady. On the last mile I pushed because I knew I was almost done.

  6. 45:30
    Forgot to post but I did this thursday
    I had about a 13:30 ish row finsihed the double unders at 19:53 and finished strong with the 3 mile run. This felt really great I think I should have pushed a tad harder on the row though. I didnt want to burn out my arms
