Monday, July 21, 2014

July 22, 2013

Every minute on the minute, for 20 minutes
Odd - Toes to Bar x 6 reps
Even - Strict Handstand Push Up x 6 reps
Power Clean
70% x 2 x 5

Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat (1+3) x 5

5 sets for times of:
Overhead Squat (170 lbs/110 lbs) x 5 reps
Kettlebell Swings (32kg/24kg) x 10 reps
Double-Unders x 20 reps
 Rest 2 min


  1. A: Complete
    * Still couldn't complete any of the rounds without an ab mat which is frustrating. I just wanna get these down!!

    B: 185 for all sets
    * Felt good and crisp. Practiced catching it lower and pausing on the catch which was good.

    C: 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
    * These felt really good. Kept the more narrow grip which feels way more comfortable for me.

    - 1:10 * Mental error at the beginning trying to go too fast and dropped the bar after the second OHS.
    - :54 * unbroken
    - :52 * unbroken
    - :56 * unbroken
    - 1:11 * The kettle slipped and rotated backwards on the 7th swing so I had to drop it and almost killed myself lol Then I finally broke on my double unders at 14. So another bad round due to fatigue.

  2. I would first like to apologize for the novels i am about to write, i need to start documenting details so i can learn from myself too. So im not writing with any limitations anymore lol

    A.Everything unbroken with two ab mats. Every other round i would slip in two HSPU with 1 ab mat to build strength and to slowly ween my self off of two mats (before i could only get one, now its two) and it is definitely working. I am actually really excited for these. I get significantly stronger everytime and i will have these down to 1 mat in no time. Lets keep doing these! :)

    B. 90 90 110 120 135
    i wasnt sure if we were supposed to do heavy or what so i just did medium and really focused on foot positioning and staying tight. I tend to do a wide squat and have to push with my inside thigh muscles and i know thats not correct. I worked on feet more in and knees more out...made a huge difference.

    B. 1:08
    I did my OHS at 115 because you know me, i like heavy things lol. The whole time i was mainly focusing on my foot positioning and really staying tight because on the rounds of 1 minute i was not stable. On the 5th round it all clicked and it ended up being my fastest time. So over all i am happy with this work out and i learned alot and corrected myself on things.

    D. Accessory Work

    Matt helped me today on Ring MU. He had me work on the kip and getting my hips up. And to my surprise i am actually not too bad at these. I got the kip down for sure and i had a few good pulls that were good and high enough to probably get a MU. If i can get consistant with my hips and work on these every day, i honestly think i can get these with in a month. Thanks Matt for making me do these, i never would of known!!

    I also did HSwalks and they are pretty solid. My distance has gotten much much longer and i get there faster. I am also able to control my body with my torso, while still being stick straight, when i feel myself falling. Before i would just have to fall and start again.

  3. A: completed all. Went unbroken on hspu for 6 rds then 4-2
    B:195 for all sets. Worked on catching the power clean a little lower 1/4 squat
    C:135,155,165,175,185. Still a difficult position for me. I struggle maintaining
    lockout especially in the left shoulder
    :59 unbroken
    :56 unbroken
    1:14. Du fell apart and broke 3x
    1:06 Du broke 2x
    1:05 unbroken but slow. Last OHS was questionable.
    :59. All unbroken
    :56 all unbroken

  4. A. complete. I still have to use an ab mat and my elbow was being
    funky. All sets unbroken

    B. power clean all at 115# Dear crossfit gods please help me and my
    worse then terrible footwork. My form on the clean is looking swell;
    however I hit tripple extension and its like I forget how to catch the
    bar with my feet in the proper place. One flys to the left and one
    gets all crazy. Id rather squat clean. someone teach me please its
    getting ridiculous

    C. Snatch grip push press felt good. my overhead squats are atrocious. 65# 85# 95# 105# 110# I was focused on staying light and doing it right. I need to become more comfortable under weight

    D. I went with 100# and even at that weight my overhead squats are soooooooooooo UGLY!!!! Robert ruined my first time by calling me and so i was fighting with my phone. Times were 1:26 1:09 1:05 :59 1:02
    I was getting faster mostly because space is limited in my gym and I didn't plan it out before hand.Stupid. I got my groove at the end overall I felt okay. Tomorrow is another day.

  5. A. did a few without the mat... ended up going to one ab mat. T2B, need to work on keeping my legs straight and my core tight.
    B. PC @ 135. Few blonde moments in the process. I need to work on letting go of my hook grip at the top, or Brian will probably make me do burpees.
    C. OHS 100, 100, 100, 110.
    D. I named this workout "Playtime's Over". Not sure why I decided to try this workout with 110#... Times were 1:24 3:20 1:28 1:15 5:something... The struggle
