Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 7, 2014

3-Position Snatch (floor, below knee, above knee)
75% x 3 sets 

Snatch Pull 
95% (of sn) x 3 x 2
100% x 3 x 2 

Back Squat 
75% x 5 x 5 

2 rounds for times of:
800m Run
 50 Pull Ups
-rest 5 minutes

Upcoming competitions that you NEED to be considering

Hell of the West Qualifiers (Everyone WILL sign up. If you don't I'll be having a word with you)
Vegas Fit Wars - October 3/4
Fitness Elevated - TBD
Retro Games - September 26/27 (registration is open now. It sells out quickly, so I suggest getting on it)
Fall Fit Team Challenge - October 12

1 comment:

  1. A: 135, 145, 155, 165 x 3
    * Snatches felt sharp today. Had a few questionable landings but I was able to hold onto them which is an improvement.

    B: 215 x 2, 225 x 2
    * Pulls felt strong. I felt like I could move the bar pretty high even at maximal weight. Just have to focus on keeping the bar close to me.

    C: 295, 325 x 4 sets
    * Squats continue to feel strong which is good. Using the knee wraps with the extra support really makes a big difference.

    D: 5:30 ... 5:48
    * Both my runs were consistent, coming in at 3:09 and 3:10, but the pullups were defiitely a little tougher the second time around. On the first set I went 15/10/8/7/5/5 10/8/6/6/5/5/5/3/2

    E: For accessory work I did 3 rounds of 30 sec hollow rock hold, and 24 ft. handstand walk.
