Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 28, 2014


Snatch Pull
100% (of sn) x 3 x 4

Back Squat

For Time:
800m Run
14 Muscle Ups
400m Run
8 Muscle Ups
200m Run
6 Muscle Ups

 Be prepared for not only a physically challenging week, but a mentally challenging one as well...


  1. Went to FullStrength Crossfit in Phoenix and did their WOD:

    A: Tempo Back Squats 32X1 4 sets of three. 205/215/225/225

    B: Buy In-50 KB swings 53#
    3 Rounds For Time of
    12 Pull-ups
    12 Front Squats 155# from the floor
    And my legs are now smoked!

  2. A: 135, 145, 160, 170 for the rest
    * Snatches felt good but still had to work on some little tweaks in my set up and my second pull. But it felt good overall.

    B: 225 for all sets
    * Pulls felt good. Just trying to keep the power through the mid-foot and not in the heels.

    C: 300, 325 for the rest
    * Squats felt fine but my left knee is still bugging me. Gotta mobilize more!

    D: 12:30
    * I think I could've gone a lot quicker, but because of the tear on my left hand, I had to wear my gloves and didn't do more than 2 at a time. The runs felt ok but my left calf was a little tight and irritated. Had to pretty much do singles the entire time. I think I could knock at least a couple mins off.

    E: 60 feet of handstand walking
    * Started off really strong on this, with about 26 feet on the first attempt. There was a few attempts that were bad, but very good for the most part.

  3. A) used 115 for percentages
    B) used 115
    C) used 215 for percentages
    D) 12:16 and did transitions.

  4. A:
    130, 145, 155 Snatches are feeling a lot better. Good contact at the hip and much better speed under the bar. Just still battling with a left shoulder issue which makes the lockout overhead a little difficult but very happy with the progress on my snatch

    205 Pulls felt good

    C: 235, 250 Still feel relatively week on my squat. This felt pretty heavy even only at the 70-75 percent.

    first rd of MU 8-3-3
    second rd 4-2-2
    last rd 3-1-1-1

    wanted to open with a big set on the MU. Felt like I stuck with my plan on the MU. Wanted to try and hit that last rd unbroken but there was no way. But overall happy with this one.

  5. A. Snatch
    I hurt my wrist on saturday so I had a very hard time with this. I had
    to actuallly do this last and do a power snatch then an over head
    squat so that I could re arrange my wrist into a more comfortable
    position.The preassure of stopping the bar from moving hurt wayy too

    65#*3 65# X3 75# X2 75# x2 twice 80# X2 twice

    B. WELLL I accidently did my snatch pulls at 155# instead of 115# ummm
    oops I felt pretty good though!

    C. 155# 160# Felt really good about these today

    D. I dont have rings here so my work out was
    800 m run
    28 chest to bars
    14 bar dips
    400 m run
    16 chest to bar
    8 bar dips
    200 m run
    12 chest to bar
    6 dips

    15:32 I thought my arms were going to fall off I was doing quick
    sinlges and it was hard because I have to jump up to the bar each time
    it was like a cardio nightmare
