Monday, July 28, 2014

July 29, 2014

Every minute on the minute, for 18 minutes
Odd - Toes to Bar x 7 reps
Even - Strict Handstand Push Up x 7 reps
Power Clean + Power Jerk - 75% (1+1) x 5

Snatch Balance + OHS (1+1) x 5

5 rounds for time:
25 Cal AirDyne
20 Burpees
15 Wall Ball Shots (30 lbs/ 20 lbs)

May I suggest resting up for tomorrow


  1. A: Complete
    * Toes to bar were still fine, but still don't have the strict strength that I need. I'll have to put some overtime work in on my own.

    B: 185, 205, 205, 205, 205
    * These felt good. Used 75% of my power clean max.

    C: 135, 155, 175, 185, 205
    * Probably started a little too light. I can definitely handle more weight next time.

    D: 18:31
    * I did 20 cal on the ski erg for each round instead of the air dyne. I was finishing each round on the ski erg in about 35 pulls... paced out the burpees until the last 2 rounds (5/4/3/singles -- 10/6/4)... And tried to keep short quick sets on the wall balls (5/5/5 - 5/4/3/3 x 3 - 7/4/4) That was definitely a burner!

  2. A: toes to bar completed. Strict hspu I made the first 5 sets of 7 then 6 and then 4 and the Iswitched to a small compact kip to finish the last to rounds of 7 reps
    185 for all sets. Cleans aren't a problem but the overhead continue to be an issue. 185 is an easy push press for me but for some reason adding the dynamic jerk underneath becomes awkward for me.
    Skipped this portion due to the left shoulder issue I'm still struggling with.
    Felt like I kept a really good pace throughout-especially on the burpees which are usually an issue for me but I stayed steady throughout. Kept 5-5-5 on the wall balls. Last set did 6-5-4. Managed the 30# ball better than I thought.

    We've been warned to be prepared for tomorrow s program. I'll be watching THE EXPENDABLES tonight in preparation. Bring it Brian!!!

  3. A. toes2bar were good till the last 4 sets then i had to go 4-3. I just couldnt keep my strength. But i got these done quick and i would say that these are no longer a problem for me.

    these were great, no problem here. but i am having really bad pain in my right shoulder when i jerk :/

    C. 100
    i was so unstable and wobbly and my hand kept hurting...ugh i am definitely not consistent when we practice these. i do just fine when i do them in a wod but its like ive never done these before when i practice. so weird and fustrating

    i made sure that i paced myself on the air dyne cause normally im dying when i come off of it. i also kept the same pace for my burpees which worked great for me because when i went to go do my wall balls i was able to do them all unbroken. I will be completely honest and say that i did not push 100% on this. everything i hate the most was in this wod and it was very mentally challenging for me to push myself when all i kept saying to myself was how much i hate everything. so i beat myself up over this one after and i know i could have cut my time down by a minute and a half or so if i would have just pushed it into gear instead of complaining to myself. ugh i really need to work on this.

  4. oh and HSPU were good. last 5 rounds i broke it up. 4-3 and used two mats. i didnt try to do one mat today because i knew the 7 would be a bit more challenging and there was no need to fatigue myself.

  5. A. Today was very off for me and I got to the gym a little too late. My shoulder wasn't feeling the best so I started with part B.

    B. 185: These felt really solid but my right shoulder was having a sharp pinch in it by the end.

    C. Very weak on my overhead and shoulder still not feelin the best so 95 for all 5. Tried really hard to keep my shoulders pronated properly.

    D. Not feeling good today. I got to the fourth round and then a piece of the fabric on the ball flew Into the back of my throat and I ran outside and puked. I couldn't get it out and then the gym closed so I had to stop.

  6. thanks to matt for letting me do copm class!
    A: I was able to complete all sets.

    B:135, 155, 155, 185, 185 I was moving slow and not sharp with my movements.

    C: 3 sets at 135, 2 sets at 155 again my movements were not there today.

    D: 21:01 it seems like taking the long weekend did not go in my favor I felt slow and I was unable to catch my breath.

  7. A. 18 EMOM done I did all 7 toes to bar unbroken and felt great
    I did two towels under my head for the strict HSPU and felt pretty
    good all unbroken May challenge myself more next time with one towel

    B. powerclean and power jerk at 115# 5 times felt pretty good. Still
    need top work on the powerclean foot work

    C. snatch balance and overhead squat again hurt allllooooottt with my
    wrist but after a very good mobility set I was able to complete it.
    kept it light
    65# # 75 #85 95# 95# I actually felt pretty good by the end. I like these.

    D 5 rounds for time
    the eliptical at my gym actually counts calories! It took me about
    1:35-1:45 to get 25 calories and I used a 25# wall ball which really
    5 rounds
    25 cals on the eliptical
    20 burpees
    15 25# wall balls

