Monday, July 14, 2014

July 15, 2014

Every minute on the minute, for 20 minutes
Odd - Toes to Bar x 5 reps
Even - Strict Handstand Push Up x 6 reps

Power Clean
70% x 3
75% x 3
80% x 3

Overhead Squat
70% x 3
75% x 3
80% x 3

3 Rounds, Each For Time Of:
7 Shoulder to Overhead (165 lbs/105 lbs)
50 ft. Front Rack Walking Lunge (165 lbs/105 lbs)
100 ft. Shuttle Sprint
2 Rope Climbs
-rest 3 minutes

Hey, start commenting with your numbers again. Or you won't like me Friday...


  1. A:
    toes to bar unbroken
    hspu- unbroken through 5 rds then switched to 3-3 and eventually 3-2-1
    185, 205, 225, 245 3 rep at 245 felt ok. working on catching my power clean a little lower than I normally do
    145, 155, 165, 170
    tough movement for me. Made the set of 3 but was pretty unstable. Overhead stability needs work. Still a very weak position for me.
    rd 1 all unbroken
    rd 2 overhead unbroken, lunges 2 sets
    rd 3 overhead unbroken, lunges fell apart and needed 4-5 sets

    Happy with the unbroken overhead at 165 but wish the lunges hadn't fallen apart so bad. I was definatly feeling this one after especially in the glutes. Rope climbs not a problem.

  2. A. T2B were unbroken, all hspu were unbroken until round 9 and 10. i had to do 3-2. Ive been using two ab mats on this for the past two times weve done this and it was a struggle to get 3 push ups with-in the minute and now i can do almost all of them unbroken. So every 1st hspu i did one ab mat and then 2 ab mats on the rest just to build a little strength so i can move down to one ab mat.

    B. 120, 130, 135, 155 My power cleans were terrible and i was trying to catch lower but my habit of catching the clean straight up is pretty bad. i definitely need to work on this.

    C. 85, 90, 95, 125 these were way too easy and im gonna take time this week to find out my max OHS cause ive never done that yet. 125 was pretty tough but i hung in there, kept tight and layed back on my heels because i tend to fall forward on these.

    D. 1:59 S2O unbroken, i broke once at the end with my lunges because of severe burning in my triceps. Rope climbs were quick but i do need to work on keeping the rope in between my feet locked because i keep slipping so it takes me extra pulls to get up there.

    I only did one round because i hurt my back in the same spot again earlier today picking up a stupid weight and im sure the cleans didnt help that out at all. The pain was pretty serious so i had to stop. I will attack this work out again this weekend though, i loved it!

  3. A. T2B & HSPU unbroken... used one mat for HSPU
    B. PC 115,125,135,145ishhh.
    C. OHS 80...100. probably could go heavier
    D. 1st round 1:41... don't miss the rope next time. 2nd round 2:30something dropped the bar once during lunges. 3rd round 2:40 something... felt shitty
