3 sets, not for time:
Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x 60 seconds
L-Sit Hold x 45 seconds
Strict Pull Up x 8-10 reps
5 sets of:
Strict Press x 3 reps @80%
- rest 2-3 mintues
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Odd- Box Jumps (30"/24") x 8 reps
Even- KB Push Press (35lbs/26lbs) x 8 reps
3 sets, not for time:
GHD Sit-Up x 15 Reps
GHD Hip Extension x 15 reps
Every Tuesday/Thursday I will be providing additional conditioning work. I've had some ask about it and instead of just giving it to them, I would rather make it available to everyone.
Tuesday will be a "longer" session and Thursday will be a "sprint style".
"Optional Conditioning"
I would really prefer that this work is done 3-4 hours from the regular training.
I would really prefer that this work is done 3-4 hours from the regular training.
I obviously understand that most (nearly all) can not perform this earlier in the day or even 3-4 hours separately. You can either make the time to do this if you want or not. Your call.
Two sets of:
Run 2400 Meters @ 85% of your 1600 meter PR pace
Rest 3 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
A: went unbroken on handstands until 3rd rd. 10 pull ups and Took 2 attempts to complète l-sits for first 2rds and 3 attempts on thé 3rd
C:completed all rds
D: completed
Optional conditioning done
1st 2400m- 12:07(8:02 pace)
2nd 2400m- 11:54(7:54 pace)