Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 27, 2014

3 sets of:
Drop Snatch x 3 reps

Every minute, on the minute for 20 minutes:
Even- Hang Snatch
Odd- Snatch
*Both at 85%

Back Squat
Set 1 – 3 reps @ 75%
Set 2 – 2 reps @ 85%
Set 3 – 1 reps @ 95%
Set 4 – 10 reps @ 60%
-rest 2-3 minutes b/t sets

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
2 Power Snatches (155lbs/100lbs)
3 Burpees
4 Chest to Bar Chin Ups (supinated grip)


  1. A: 135, 135, 145
    * Can't really use heavy weight on this but it's a good drill.

    B: 190 for first 10 min, 195 for 6 min, 200 for 4 min
    * Snatches felt really good today and actually moved above 85% I think I ended at 89%. Only missed one attempt and it was early on so it wasn't a huge deal and I picked it back up and hit it again.

    C: 325, 365, 410, 260x10
    * Squats felt about as good as they could have after 20 min of heavy snatching. 410 felt ugly but it's still 95% of my 1rm so I'll take it.

    D: actually did this part with 165 istead of 155 and still averaged 22 sec per round until the last one where I got 25 sec.

    Great day overall.

  2. Nice work buddy. I was pleased with how you moved today.
