Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 29, 2014

Every two minutes for 20 mintues (10 sets):
Sets 1-3 – 70-75% (of clean)
Sets 3-5 – 75-80%
Sets 7-8 – 85%
Sets 9-10 – 90%
  7 sets of:
1 ¼ Front Squat x 1 reps @ 87%
2 sets, each for time of:
50 Wall Ball Shots (30lbs/20lbs)
40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30 Burpees
20 Toes To Bar
10 Deadlifts (275lbs/185lbs)
-rest 5 minutes


  1. A: 185, 205, 205, 225, 225, 225, 240, 240, 255, 255
    * These felt good!

    B: 295 for all sets
    * Heavy but felt ok

    1) 9:25
    2) 11:11
    * These wods were rough for sure! I felt like I kept a pretty good pace but as you can see I significantly slowed down on the second attempt. I felt the puke coming on during the burpees and it slowed me down!

  2. A: 170, 185, 205, 225
    after a week of no bar work this felt good.

    B: 240 for all sets

    C:11:20 / 13:30 / 29:50 over all time
    this was not the WOD to come back to! this was very rough
