Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 10, 2014

5 x 75%
3 x 85%
1+ x 95%

SLDL x 3 x 5

6 sets:
5 burpee box jump
6 Kettle Bell Swings (2pd/1.5pd)
10 Calories on AirDyne
rest walk 2:00


  1. A: 340, 385, 430 x 4
    * Deadlifts felt awesome today! Goal was 3 at 430 and got 4 so I'm happy! Still chasing that 500!

    B: 135 for all sets
    * Did these with a 35 lb plate underneath for a deficit.

    C: Changed it to a team wod. (me, scott, mariana, julia)
    100 burpee box jump (30/24)
    100 kb swings (70/53)
    200 cal air dyne
    - 15:37 (I think)
    * I saw a lot of good communication and teamwork today so that was good. Transitions were smooth for the most part. Went 5's on the burpee box jumps, 10's on the swings, and 10's (or close to it) on the air dyne. Couple no reps on the jumps and swings so that needs to be cleaned up.

  2. A: 275/315/350x5
    B:95/115/135/135/135 (all sets at 135 on a 25#plate for deficit)
    C: In a team of 3 (Matt and Katherine)
    100 Burpee box jumps
    100 kb swings (70/53)
    200 cals on airdyne
    17:00 ish minutes (a little fuzzy after finishing the last 20 cals on the airdyne) Great job team, out communication was good, no long pauses or transitions between people or exercises!!

  3. A. 275, 300, 335f reduculoualy hard could hardly budge it.

    B. 135 really stretched the hamstrings

    C. Did have time for this :(
