Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15, 2014

80% x 1 x 2
85% x 1 x 3
Snatch Pull
100% (of snatch) x 3 x 2
105% x 2 x 2
Pause Back Squat
75% x 3 x 2
80% x 2 x 2

For time:
Row 2000 Meters
30 Burpees Over the Concept 2
(two-foot jump, two-foot land)
15 Hang Cleans (185/125 lbs)


  1. A:
    160, 170. Missed one at 170. Still working on dropping lower. Still receiving the bar about Paralel. Still slow too.

    200, 205. Need more explosive hips
    250, 270. Final rep Each rd felt heavy. Liking the pause squats thought!

    Kept the row Split around 1:55 to 1:59. Slow but steady on the burpees. Splithang cleans 5,4,3,3 with just a few second rest in btwn.

  2. A: 80,85# my snatches weren't as clean as they tend to be. I failed a couple attempts but was able to get the weight up.
    B: 100,105#
    C: 130,135# I was bouncing out of the squat until I was corrected. Getting out of the heavy squat on one fluent movement was hard.
    D:14:49, 100# clean, kept all movements to a steady pace. Did the cleans as single. Need to work on connecting heavy hang cleans.

  3. A. Snatch 90#, 95# 100# two times
    B. 115# and 120#
    c. 160# and 170# I used a ball under my butt to help with the pause
    D. 17:16 I started with the burpees and did 115# hang snatches and then did the row I am still getting over the bronchitis but I really need to work on hang snatches alot more.

  4. A: 185 @ 80% ... 195 @ 85%
    * Snatches felt awesome and I ended up hitting a PR at 225!!

    B: 225 ... 240
    * snatch pulls felt good today!!

    C: 11:02
    * This was good, I kept a 1:49 - 1:50 pace on the row the whole 2k... Hit a quick 10 unbroken on the burpees, then did quick sets of 5... went 5/4/3/3 on the cleans with 3-5 breaths in between.

    D: Worked on handstand practice afterwards.

  5. A. 135,140 felt great on these, almost landed in full squat each time

    B. 165, 175 pulls we're able to get to chest every time.

    C. 245, 260 I love these. Kept really good upright form for each one.

    D. 18:23 row was under 2:00/500 7:57 row, burpees we're awfully hard after that row though 4:21, 6:05 hc form broke down to power hc with a wide stance to catch. Lower back was dying.
