Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 12, 2014

Front Squat
85% x 2 x 4

Push Press
75% x 5
80% x 5 x 2

Row 1k
-rest 5 min


75 Toes to Bar
*3 burpees every time you come off the bar

1 comment:

  1. A: 300 for all sets
    * Front squats felt fine except for this annoying left knee pain I always have ugh!

    B: 170, 180, 180
    * Push press felt really good all reps went up easily. I'm hoping my shoulders are getting stronger!

    - 3:32 ...
    - 5:46
    * Felt good on the rower I think I went pretty fast so that was good.... I wanted to push myself on the t2b so I opened up with a PR 27 unbroken, then went 10/8/5/5/5/6/5/4 so it felt pretty good!

    D: 3 sets of max strict hspu (every 2 min)
    - only got 2 each set which was disappointing but I gotta keep pushing.

    E: Every 40 seconds for 10 rounds
    - 1 strict hspu
    * These felt good so I'll push it to every 35 seconds next week.
