Monday, September 8, 2014

September 9, 2014

Every minute on the minute, for 10 Minutes:
2 Muscle Ups + 2 Dips

Build to a heavy single in 6 attempts


Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
Jerk x 1 rep @ 75%

80% x 2 x 2
80% x 1 x 3 

3 sets for times:
25 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
25 DB Push Press (50lbs/35lbs)
-rest 3 minutes


  1. A. Did chest 2 bar and ring dip ratio plus 2 ring dips. My arms were pretty much tired after this. I focused on the butterfly technique and would do one at a time to get the form down. I was not worried about how quick I could finish in the minute. I think soon I am gonna start practicing on the rings and start trying to get them down. Any suggestions or comments on that Brian?

    B. I only I got 160, my arms are really exhausted today, I'm exhausted as well. So this isn't my best but I did try.

    B part 2. I skipped this. I was just too weak...

    C. 135# 145# I started out doing power cleans to work on them but then switched to squat cleans. My power cleans are not great form at all. But my cleans are getting pretty effortless now. I finally have found what works for me and know what I have to fix if I have a bad clean. These felt great and I'm back to loving cleans now lol

    D. 4:10, 3:50, ?
    Me and Marianna finished at the same time on the last one, I didn't catch the time though. So whatever she puts is what I got. Sorry about that :/ Chest 2 bar is getting much faster. I'm still stuck with singles during the middle of the sets but take little rest in between and just keep on going. Push press wasn't hard but it burned like crazy. Broke it up 10-6-5-4 on first two rounds. Although a lot of break ups, I got them done quick and it worked out great and I made up a lot of time with these. Last round I did 7-6-5-3-4. Stupid plan on this one but still got them done quick. Just was a little more exhausting.

    E. Worked on front squats and did some cardio to burn some extra calories and what not. Still working on losing weight. Its really taking a toll on me though with my diet and everything. I'm always tired and feel weak but I have to lose the weight if I want to be where I want to be.

    1. Good call Dev. The stronger your upper body keeps getting, the easier your gymnastics will get. For now, since it's hard to link up, I want you to use as much as possible if you have any questions for any of the movements.

  2. A:
    Completed. Worked on the swing transition at the top of the MU.

    Was excited about matching my last PR I Got months ago at my last comp. 245# always been a struggle lifter for me but feeling more confident and getting faster.
    185# for the amrap. Had a couple Lady lockouts

    205 for all sets. Cleans were feeling good today too. Working on finishing at the top and getting full extensión on the pull.

    1 st rd- 1:55
    2nd rd- 3:09
    3es rd- 3:48

    Not too good. First rd Was great but fell off too much. Need to be more consistant. Muscular endurance obviously an issue for me. The db push press Got very difficult.

  3. A: Completed
    * These felt good and didn't have any problems on the muscle ups.

    B: Worked up to 265 ... Used 200 for my sets
    * A couple of the reps were sloppy because I was trying to rush it. Started taking an extra breath and cleaned it up a lot. Working on maximizing my triple extension.

    C: 230 for all sets.
    * These felt good today, no issues. Focusing on finishing tall.

    1 - 1:42
    2 - 2:07
    3 - 2:28

    * Slowed down a little bit but that's to be expected when hitting each set like a sprint. I feel like I paced myself well though so I'm happy with it. My C2B felt good, more effortless.

  4. A: Completed all these with jumping muscleups and ring dips
    B: Worked up to 135 (taking it easy on my shoulders), then did sets with one back rack push press and one back rack jerk (all at 135#)
    C: 185 for all sets, form started to clean up on sets 3 and 4
    D: Didn't do, trying to take it easy on my shoulders, trying to let them heal all the way.

  5. A. Got it and did strict dips

    B. 220,225,235,245,250f,250f,250 got it easily this time!!! Then 190 for the rest and it was solid and felt easy after that 250

    C. 200, 200 cleans we're smooth and I kept a really good straight bar path.

    D. 17:18: 3:12, 3:59, 4:47. Dumbbell presses got extremely heavy quickly did 15/10, 10/10/5, 5/5/5/3/2/2/2/1. 25 ctb first round unbroken, 10/10/5, 10/8/6/4/2
