Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 5, 2014

Front Squat - 80% x 3 x 5
Push Press - 75% x 5

As many rounds and reps in 9 minutes of:
1 Muscle Up
25 Double Unders
3 Hang Power Cleans (185lbs/125lbs)
25 Double Unders
5 Handstand Push Ups

Few things team

If you are competing, with a team, in Sacramento, in October, I HIGHLY suggest you take some extra time and practice Freestanding HSPU, L-Sit to HSPU on parallettes, and also some Wtd. Pistol Squats. I won't be programming them into the regular scheduled work because those are specialty movements that I do not want to program in just yet.

I was asked earlier and here again are some upcoming competitions that I know of in the general area:
 As I hear of more I will keep you guys in the loop.

I am supremely proud of everyone and your efforts in training and competing. When I see you fail, I don't see a look of disappointment. I see a look of desire. The desire to get better. I can't tell you how much that means to me as a coach. It makes coming into the gym every morning or afternoon, that much more desirable. Keep working hard. And always remember... 
"Full Effort. Full Victory."

1 comment:

  1. A. 245 felt tough but I kept form on all but the last one.
    B. 185 cycled these at the beginning I was losing balance, eventually calmed down and was able to control it well
    C. 7mu 50wb (20lb) 7mu 40boxjumpovers 7mu 30snatch (115) ; 14:39 i did the first mu unbroken then 25/15/10/10 then second mu was 4/3 kept steady pace on the bjo but I was stepping�� then third mu was 1/1/2/1/1 I was really happy with my snatches I did singles all the way through though, however at the end of the 30 I think I was basically push pressing it
