Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 3, 2014

3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90%

Good Morning x 3 x 5

3 rounds for time:
25 Pull Ups
3 Overhead Squats (185/125)


  1. A. 190#, 225# 255# i didnt do touch and go on the last set
    B. I used 80# for the goodmornings
    C. I used 85# the first round 95# the second and 100# the last round. Jeff suggested I move my grip in to help with the joint pain in my wrist and it made a world of difference the 100# didnt feel heavy at all after that so im feeling hopeful. I did it in 7:25

  2. A: 320, 365, 410x5
    * Deads felt good today and I'm happy with 410 for a set of 5... Really trying to get to that 500!

    B: Did straight deads instead of good mornings and used 95.

    C: 4:17
    * Hit the first round of pullups unbroken, then 10/5/3/3/sigles, 5/5/doubles and singles... Hit all of the OHS unbroken. This was a good workout for me.

    D: Did some strict hspu, handstand holds, and walks at the end of practice.

  3. A. I'm still working up my dead lift but I felt really food today on these. 245, 280, and 315 8 times.

    B. Used 110 lbs

    C. I dropped 155 on my knee cap and felt a massive twinge every time I dropped into a squat so I stayed at 155. I did first round of pull-ups unbroken and then 10/15 then 10/5/5/5. All my OHS @ 155 we're unbroken. It took me 6:23.
