Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 8, 2014

80% x 2 x 2
80% x 1 x 3
Snatch Pull
95% x 3 x 2
100% x 3 x 2
Pause Back Squat
75% x 3 x 5

3 cycles of:
With a 5 min Clock
400m Run

then w/ remaining time...

Max Cals on Erg


  1. I actually did the 4th qualifier for HOTW this morning so I'll recap that for you.

    10 MIN amrap

    50 wall balls
    40 box jumps
    30 power snatch (115)
    max muscle ups with remaining time.

    * I went 25/15/10 on the wall balls and finished at 2:02 ... did the box jumps straight through and finshed those at 3:30ish... then went 6/4/3/3/3/3/3/3/2 on the snatches and finished at 6:02 ... I started the muscle ups at 6:30 and went 3/singles -> . I tried to squeeze out a double at the end but I had nothing left in the tank.

    I'm happy with my score. I had a plan and followed it exaclty and I hit my goal of 15 muslce ups. Let's hope it holds up!

  2. Hell of the west #4
    10 minute amrap

    50 wall balls
    40 box jumps
    30 ground to overhead (75#)
    max pullups in remaining time-36

    156 total reps/tiebreaker time of 6:28
