Monday, September 15, 2014

September 16, 2014

Every minute on the minute for 11 minutes
2 Muscle Ups + 2 Ring Dips

80% x 1 x 2
85% x 1 x 3

Clean Pull
100% (of clean) x 3 x 2
105% x 2 x 2

5 rounds for time:
10 Russian KB Swings (70lbs/53lbs)
10 Handstand Push Ups 
*If Kipping is easy for you, go from a small deficit. 


  1. A:
    Completed. Working on thé smooth push off transition at thé top of thé MU cycling

    205, 225
    Cleans were feeling ok today. Finishing better at thé top and getting good extension. One of these days my speed under thé bar Will improve.

    265, 275
    I need more explosive hips!!!!

    D: I think my time Was 12:04
    Used thé 88# kb and 45# plate w/mat for slight déficit hspu. First set unbroken and then thé set Got smaller and smaller. Tried to at least maintain doubles but final rd Was eventually singles

  2. A: Completed
    * Really trying to focus on using as little kip as possible to work on the strength and explosion to get up there.

    B: 235, 235, 250, 250, 250
    * Cleans were a little rusty today and I actually missed a lift at 250 which was disappointing, but just gotta keep pushin.

    C: I think my time was around 12:55 ish, can't quite remember.
    * Used an 88 lb kb and a 45 lb plate deficit for the hspu. I was happy with the performance because I was able to maintain good sets on the hspu and actually got the first set unbroken so my shoulders are getting stronger which is what I need.

    D: Did some L-sit practice at the end

  3. A. i did this pulling from the ground. I had to jump into it and use my feet at the end but i completed them all and did the dips

    B.125# and 130# felt good today

    C. 155# and 160#
    D. I did regular hspu and used the 53# and got 7:40 I kept a good pace on the hspu mostly 5 and 5 when i got tired then broke to 3,3,4 at the last round

  4. Nice work squad. Loving the consistency!

  5. A. Did a few swings and then did jump ups on the dips so I got a feel of being up in the air and dipping. Renee is helping me with these. I hope with hard work and dedication I will be able to do at least one before the Hell Of The West Competition.

    B. 140 150
    My cleans are excellent. They are getting so much better and my strength is increasing and my form is getting really great. These felt great.

    C. 175 180

    D. I did RX and got 7:59. Kettle swings were no problem and got those done quick. Hspu are getting much quicker. Last two rounds I did singles but did quick singles and stayed completely consistent. I'm pretty happy with my performance.

    Did muscle up practice for accessory work.

  6. A. Got all these unbroken.

    B. 205, 215 felt really good and moved quickly under the bar.

    C. 255, 265 only did one set of these last ones the bar I had to use was sharp grippies and was about to rip so I stopped before that happened.

    D. 8:47 had to use 80lb kb and did 2" deficit hspu. Got the first 2 rounds unbroken hspu amd ha to break up the rest; 5/3/2, 3/3/2/2, 2/4/2/2.
