Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 15, 2014

Back Squat
5 reps @ 60%
4 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85%
2 reps @ 90%
-rest 2 minutes
Max Reps @ 85-87%
(only allowed one full breath at the top)
Three sets of:
Drop Jerk w/ press x 3 reps


Every two minutes for 14 minutes (7 sets)
Split Jerk x 2 reps @ 85-87%

For Time:
30 Muscle Ups
*Every time you come off the rings, 25 Unbroken Double Unders


  1. A:
    200, 225, 255, 285, 300
    Max reps @ 286-6

    B: 95#

    C: 205. Missed a few reps. Footwork sloppy. Lady lock-out. Not getting fully extended on thé push

    D: 10:25
    Opened with 8 then went to triples. Missed a couple of thé triples and Missed one rd of DU.
    Dissapointed in this. Was expecting better!

  2. A: 260, 300, 345, 385 ... 365x7
    * Squats felt a little heavy today, but I feel like 7 is still good.

    B: 95 for all sets

    C: 255 for all sets
    * No misses and most of the reps felt clean, but I did hit the ceiling a few times which made for soft arms, but I recovered well and didn't drop it.

    D: 12:39
    * Went 5/3/3/3/4/3/3/2/3/1 on the muscle ups, which obviously made for a slow time. I also broke twice on one of my sets of DU so that was disappointing. Gotta lose some weight and focus on technique.
