Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 17, 2014

6 sets of:
Clean and Jerk x 1 rep @ 90+%

Set 1 – 3 reps @ 80% 
Set 2 – 2 reps @ 85% 
Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90% 
Set 4 – 1 rep @ 95% 
Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95%

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps @ 60% of Back Squat
Every 10 minutes, for 30 mintues:
50 Calorie Row
40 Double Unders
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
20 Alternating Pistol Squats
10 Push Press (115lbs/75lbs)

*If you DO NOT believe you can finish the workload in 10 minutes, you need to scale back, on whatever you think will hold you back*


  1. A: 245, 255, 265, 275x, 275x, 280 PR!
    * Movement didn't feel too crisp today so that was annoying!

    B: 380x3 / 405x2 / 430x1 / 450x1 / 470x1 PR!
    * Dead lifts felt good today! Hopefully can add something to that PR next week!!

    C: 260 for all sets

    1 - 6:01
    2 - 6:39
    3 - 6:49
    * This was definitely pretty rough but I'm happy with my times at this point. Everything was pretty much unbroken except for the pullups.

  2. Clean and jerk x1 x6
    165, 185, 205, 225, 245 jerk fail

    Heavy clean 265, 275pr

    Deadlift every 2mins for 6mins

    Metcon - every 10mins x 3
    40 cal row
    20 double unders
    20 pullups
    20 pistols
    10 push press 115#
    (these took me around 6:00-7:30)

    Stoked I PR'd my clean. I'm starting to crank out some numbers. Also, I did butterfly pullups and pistols for the first time without practicing them. Which was cool.

    Sprained my wrists a bit attempting 285. The yoga is really helping my crossfit and my lower back pain. Must keep going regularly. The Metcon was really challenging, especially mentally.

    I skipped the heavy deadlifts to prevent back pain. Happy.
