Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 29, 2014

4 sets of:
Back Squat x 25 reps

In 30 min, accumulate:
3500m of running
20-30 Muscle Ups 
(or 50 C2B pull ups and 50 ring dips)
100ft of Handstand Walks
(Or for every 50 HSPU and 5:00 of Handstand Hold)

50 Banded Hamstring Curls


  1. A: 225 for all sets
    * All unbroken and tried some different rep/tempo schemes on each set. First I went 25 steady (one breath at top), then 5x5 (3 breaths between), then 10/10/5 (5 breaths between), and finally 10/8/7 (5 breaths)... Took between 6-7 min rest between sets. It was rough!

    B: 30:11
    * Actually did a little more work than prescribed.
    9 rounds of
    - 400m run
    - muscle ups (4/4/4/3 -->)
    - 12 ft HS walk
    ** Total work = 3600m run, 30 MU, 108 ft walk

    C: Complete 5x10

  2. A: 160#

    B: 2800m run, 24 MU, 96' hs walk in the 30:00 cap

    C: completed
