Monday, December 8, 2014

December 9, 2014

Five Sets:
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep

Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets)
  Snatch x 1 reps 
Loading per set:
*Sets 1-3 – 70%
*Sets 4-6 – 72-75%
*Sets 7-8 – 80%
*Sets 9-10 – 82-85%
*Sets 11-12 – 90+% 

Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes (4 sets)
500m Row
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups

3 sets of:
(Load it by attaching a KB to a banded and hanging the band on the collar)


  1. A: 115, 135, 150, 160, 170
    * These felt ok, I matched my PR at least.

    1-3 - 165
    4-6 - 175
    7-8 - 190
    9-10 - 200
    11 - 210
    12 - 215
    * Snatches felt pretty good today so I'm happy with that.

    C: Not complete (time)

    D: Complete
    * Every set took me between 3:10 - 3:30 and I was cycling the hspu most of the time so that was good.

    1 - 95 (bb)
    2 - 7 x (2 - 26# kb's)
    3 - 6 x (same)
    * Those presses with the kb's are no freaking joke!

  2. A: 115, 135, 145, 150, 155
    This was a PR on my musclé snatch

    B: 145, 155, 165, 175, 185
    Snatch was feeling Sharp today until I hit 175. Started setting up a bit higher. Need better contact at thé hips and finish thé pull. Missed one at 175 and one at 185.

    C: not completed

    Rd 1-2:25 ish(Rower stopped on me) all Hspu unbroken
    Rd 2- 2:36, hspu 6,2,2
    Rd 3- 2:32, hspu 6,3,1
    Rd 4- 2:25, hspu unbroken

    1: 95#bb
    2: 8x(2-26# kb)
    3: 5x(2-26# kb)
