Monday, January 19, 2015

January 20, 2015

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets)
Snatch x 3 reps
Set 1 - 60%,
Set 2 - 65%
Set 3 – 70%
Set 4 - 75%
Set 5 – 80%
Set 6 – 80%

Snatch Pull - 100% (of sn) x 3 x 4

2 sets of:
10 x 60 second Row Intervals for max meters

3 intervals @ 22-24 SPM (strokes per min)
2 intervals @ 25-27 SPM
2 intervals @ 29+ SPM
3 intervals @ 20-22 SPM
rest 5 minutes b/t sets

3 sets of:
:30 sec Hollow Hold (on bar)
:30 sec Superman Hold (on bar)
:30 sec Bridge Hold
-rest 1 min


  1. A: 145/160/175/185/195 x 2
    * Snatches felt pretty good today. I'm in my nanos again this week and it's not as much of a shocker as it was last time. I did miss my 3rd attempt on my first set of 195 so that sucked, but I came back and hit the next triple clean.

    B: 235 for all sets
    * Pulls felt pretty good and explosive

    C: 2651/2712 = 5363 total
    * That was pretty rough

    D: Complete
    * It was very difficult for me to do the hollow holds simply because my abs are still so sore from saturday it's ridiculous!

  2. A: 125,.135, 145, 155, 165
    Ugly snatch day today.failed a couple in the middle and a lot at the final set of 165.

    B: 225 for all set.
    Went heavier than my 100%

    C: 2560/2516=5076
