Monday, January 5, 2015

January 6, 2015

3-Position Snatch (floor, below knee, above knee) 
70% x 4 sets

Snatch Pull 
90% (of sn) x 3 x 2 
95% x 3 x 2

Four sets of: Row 1200 @ 70% effort 
rest 3 minutes

3 sets of: 
30 sec Ring Support + 8-12 Ring Dips
rest 60 seconds

1 comment:

  1. A: 145, 165, 175 x 4 sets
    * Hit the snatches in my nanos today and that definitely makes a difference but I'm trying to get comfortable in them.

    B: 220 x 2 sets/ 235 x 2 sets
    * Pulls felt good

    C: Complete
    * Kept between a 1:56 - 1:59 500/split, stayed around 20-21 stroke rate, finished each 1200 between 4:39-4:50

    D: Complete
    * Unfortunately, I couldn't hit the ring dips immediately after the support so I had to put a little time in between.
