Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 28, 2015

Clean & Jerk
60% x 2+1
65% x 2+1 x 2
70% x 2+1 x 3
Clean Pull
90% (of cln) x 2 x 2
95% x 2 x 2

3 Rounds For Time:
21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Handstand Push Up
9 Squat Snatches (135/95)
*12 minute time cap

1 comment:

  1. A: 185/ 195/ 195/ 215/ 215/ 215
    * These felt good. I actually went with 1 power and 1 full clean each set. Speed was good and I cycled faster as the sets went on.

    B: 275/ 275/ 285/ 285
    * Pulls felt good

    C: 11:28
    * My plan going in was to do 2/3 of the reps of the pullups and hspu on the first round, and then break those into thirds for the other two rounds. The first round was good and I went 14/7 and 10/5 respectively, but I had to go with plan B on the pullups for the other two rounds (7/7/4/3...7/5/5/4). But I was able to keep 5/5/5 on the hspu so that was good... My plan was to do quick singles on the snatches from the beginning and I stayed with that.
