Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 11, 2015

Clean & Jerk 
80%x2+1 x 3
Clean Pull
100% (of cln) x 3 x 2
105% x 2 x 2

For Time:
7 Rounds for time:
10 Chest to bar Pull Ups
10 Burpees 
5 Rounds for time:
5 Squat Snatch (155lbs/100lbs)
5 Muscle Ups
3 Rounds for time:
3 Clean and Jerks (225lbs/145lbs)
6 Deficit Handstand Push Ups (6"/4")

I understand that some of you may not be able to complete this as RX. That's fine, scale appropriately. 


  1. A: 185/ 195/ 210/ 225/ 240 x 3 sets
    * Clean n jerks felt good even though my knee had a little tweak in it from yesterday. Power cleans felt pretty good too.

    B: 300 x 2 sets/ 310 x 2 sets
    * These always feel heavy lol

    1 - 7:45
    2 - 4 rounds complete
    3 - 2+1
    * This was super rough and was a lot tougher than I thought it was gonna be... The first section went as expected. I used the powder coated bars to work on grip strength and because those are the bars I will most likely see in competition. Hit the first 2 rounds unbroken, but had to start breaking in 5/5 and 6/4 or 5/3/2 after that...
    The second section was more difficult than I anticipated. The snatches were tough but doable with little rest, but the muscle ups are what took the most time. My grip was pretty shot from the pullups which didn't help me out. I went 3/2 for the first 2 rounds, and then 2/2/1 for the last 2...
    The hspu just took me too long. I was averaging about 1 rep/ 30 sec. Hspu are one of my weaknesses that I need to work on. The clean n jerks were heavy but I was still able to power clean all the reps.

  2. A: 155, 165, 175, 185, 205 some of the jerks felt slow and sloppy.

    B: 255, 275 well above my percentage, want to get stronger.

    C: Part 1 : 8:15 kept a good phase and kept moving.
    Part 2: 3 rounds scaled the snatch 145 I was more focused on no failed reps and to keep myself strong mentally.
    Part 3: 28:17 scaled the jerk to 205 RX handstands
    This was rough!!! The clean and jerks got so dang heavy…
    Thanks for the donuts coach!!!

  3. A: 155,165,175,190,205 all felt smooth.

    B: 255, 275
    C: part 1- completed 6 rounds, pull-ups felt solid broke em up from the get go 5/5 each time and was able to maintain a good pace.
    PART 2: 3 rounds scaled, went with 135 should have done at least 145 with 3 bar muscle ups, need to practice better for form on the muscle ups and start linking a few.
    PART 3: this sucked, moving heavy weight in a fatigued state sucks... Went 205 completed two full rounds, failed jerks on one round and just kept moving to finish the cleans at least. Went with one pad on the handstand push-ups. Surprised I could hit those since we did so many on Tuesday and my upper back is super sore...

    Need to step my game up so I'll be posting and tracking my stuff since I think I got my sleep and recovery under control.
