Monday, February 16, 2015

February 17, 2015

Every two minutes for, 14 minutes (7 sets):
Set 1 - 60%x3
Set 2 - 65%x3
Set 3 - 70%x2
Set 4 - 75%x2
Set 5 - 80%x2
Set 6 - 85%x1
Set 7 - 87-90%x1

Snatch Pull
100% x 3
105% x 3
110% x 3 x 2

4 sets of:
10 Thrusters (135lbs/95lbs)
1 Minute Max Box Jumps
5 Muscle Ups
rest 3 minutes

5 sets of:
AirDyne x 30 second (HARD)
rest 90 seconds


  1. A: 145/ 160/ 170/ 185/ 195/ 210/ 225
    * Snatches felt pretty good today. Had a couple misses but came back and hit it the next time.

    B: 245/ 255/ 265 x 2 sets
    * Pulls were heavy but still felt good.

    * All thrusters unbroken...
    26/26/25/24 on the box jumps. Used step down and just kept a steady pace...
    All muscle ups unbroken with pretty minimal rest so that was good.

    D: We did this as a team, keeping total team calories as our score.
    - 341 calories
    * I was averaging about 22 cal per turn, and hit 25 on the last set.

    E: Hit a few sets of strict hspu afterwards.

  2. A: 115/125/135//145/155/165/170
    Snatches felt good, been working on getting that last pull and really using my hips.
    B: 185/205/215, pulls felt good, focused on hitting all positions
    C: Thruster sets, 6-4/5-5/10/5-5 probably should have kept the thrusters at 5-5 or 6-4 split, started missing reps on the muscle ups come the 3rd and 4th rounds. First round was about 3:39/4:13/5:12/7:06.. Muscle ups were on the bar of course. Box jumps were at 16/18/18/18
    D: didn't have time for airdyne sprints since I had to get to class, so I'll
    Be making these up on Thursday.

  3. A: 115,125,135,145,155,175,175, and hit a 195!!!! Yay... Snatches felt good today.
    B: 205, 225, 225
    C : C: 2:28, 2:28, 2:31, 2:37. Total time 18:56.
    10 all sets, 20 jumps all sets, 5 MU all sets.
    Went unbroken on all sets of thrusters, but it definitely left my legs weak for the jumps, took my time to make sure I went unbroken on the MU

  4. A: 65-95lbs, felt good on the snatch.
    B: 105,110,115
    C: 2:30,7:54,13:01,18:24. Did the thrusters in sets of 5 but didn't put the bar on the ground. Box jumps 14,17,18,17 my legs were very tired by this point. Did 5 c2b and 5 ring dips because I can't do muscle ups. Did the c2b in sets of 3 +2, the dips I did unbroken.
    D: 12cal,14cal,15cal,15cal,17cal
