Monday, February 23, 2015

February 24, 2015

A. Five sets of:
Muscle snatch x 1 rep

B. Four sets of:
3 Pos Snatch (Hi, knee, 2" off ground) x 3 reps

C. Five sets of:
Snatch Grip Deadlift x 3-5 reps

D. Every minute on the minute for, 30 minutes:
Min 1: 20/15 cal AD
Min 2: 20 DU
Min 3: 10 Burpees


  1. A: 95/ 115/ 135/ 135/ 155
    * Felt fine

    B: 135 x 3 sets/ 155 for last set
    * These were definitely tiring, but I'm happy I went up in weight for the last set. Speed felt good.

    C: 205/ 225/ 235 x 3 sets
    * Been trying to practice without a hook as much as I can in order to build up my grip strength, and my forearms are sore so I guess it worked lol

    D: Completed as sprints
    * air dyne took about 32-35 sec each set... dubs took 10 sec... burpees between 19-22 sec.

  2. D. Every minute on the minute for, 30 minutes:
    Min 1: 20/15 cal AD
    Min 2: 20 DU
    Min 3: 10 Burpees

    I only did D. I had to scale the airdyne and double unders to 15 on the 4th round. That was really tough for me! Felt very good having completed it.

  3. A: 95, 115, 125, 135, failed 135 one time, tried again and I was able to get it.
    B: 95,105,115,125
    This was a lot harder than I tought! I was trying to go no hook grip a
    But my forearms did not like that.
    C: we totally forgot about this one.
    D: got 21 Cals every round, broke one set of double unders do to hitting the split of the matts, did the burpees at a good speed to have rest before the air dyne

  4. A: 95/105/115/125

    B: 95/95/115/125
    This got heavy quick, technique was feeling good despite the fatigue that set in.
    C: Had to skip this part since I had to get to class, ill make this up on Thursday.
    D: This got tough, maintained a good pace on the Airdyne but was only able to get 17-18 in the later rounds. Double Unders got tough in the last rounds but it was good practice since I suck at these. Burps for ones were my rest, lol.
