Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 20, 2015

Front Squat
SLDL 3x5

C. CrossFit Games Open 11.2
AMRAP 15 Minutes
9 Deadlifts (155lbs/100lbs)
12 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")


  1. A: 245/ 265/ 280/ 300/ 315/ 325 (x- 1)
    * Squats felt pretty good but I just couldn't maintain that front rack on the last set. The elbows started dropping and I held on as long as I could but had to bail about half way up. Ugh!

    B: 225 for all sets

    C: 10 + 15
    * Thinking before the wod, I figured with work time, transition, rest, and fatigue, I figured if you can maintain a 1:30 or better per round, that would be a good score. I'm guessing I averaged about a 1:27/round so I hit my goal, but I need to get upwards of 12 rounds. I'm guessing I'd have to average about a 1:20 or less per round so that's what I would shoot for next time. I went unbroken on everything except the 10th set of pushups (9/3) and I just maintained a steady pace with no rest. The only thing I can do is cycle the deads and box jumps a little faster next time.

    D: Hit 3x5-7 band resisted pullups with a pink band anchored around a kettle bell and attached to my waist.
    * These were definitely way more difficult than regular pullups and will hopefully be good in the long run.

  2. A: 225/255/265/275/300, probably could have squeezed out 305-310

    B: 225 for all sets.

    C: 7 rounds 22 reps
    Pacing felt good, moved fast in the deads and push-ups box jumps slowed me down, busted my knee for the first time on a box.

  3. Front Squats
    70 x2 215
    75 x2 230
    80 x2 245
    85 X2 260
    2rm 285, 305 pr
    315 single pr

    Pretty happy to PR my front squat double and single. I'm a good chance to get more on my single front squat as well, as that was a double attempt.

    135, 165, 185, 185,

    Crossfit games 11.2
    Amrap 15 mins
    9 deadlifts 155
    12 hand release Pushups
    15 24 box jumps
    I find the open workouts pretty challenging. They tend to be less of a pure fitness test for me and more of a challenge to see how much lower back pain I can push through. This workout really cooked my back. Maybe it's my mechanics or something that causes that. I'm not sure.
