Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 13, 2015

Front Squat - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2x3
Rear Leg Elevated Squat - 3x10(each leg)
*hold one kb/db in each arm

5 Rouds for Time:
10 Alternatng DB Snatches (70lbs/50lbs)
200ft Shuttle (50ft increments)
2 Rope Climbs

1 comment:

  1. A: 245/ 265/ 280/ 300/ 315 x 2 sets
    * Front squats felt pretty strong today. Haven't gone that heavy in a while so that was good.

    B: 35# KB's for all sets.
    * I like the isolation on the quads and glutes with these.

    C: 15:23
    * We turned it into a team event. We had one team of 2 and one team of 3. Every person had to do 5 rounds of 10 alt DB snatches, 100 foot shuttle, and 1 rope climb. I was with my brother and Scott, so scott would go solo and then Paul and I would hit it together. I used a 100# DB for my snatches tho which were heavy!

    * After our main workout, a few of us stayed behind and hit 10/8/6/4/2 on strict press with a 1 min chinese plank with 25# plate on our back after each set of strict press.
    -- 115/ 125(x7)/ 130/ 135/ 145

    ** Side note - I hit 8 mats today on my handstand walk!! PR city again!
