Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 18, 2014

80% x 2
86% x 1
92.5% x 4+

10 Rounds for Time:
2 Muscle Ups
3 Box Jumps (36"/30")

3 sets of:
15 Hip Extensions
15 Ab Mat Sit Ups

1 comment:

  1. A: Scott and I ran through the first workout of our competition this weekend to see what our time would be like and fix any problems.
    For time:
    60 power cleans @135 (30 each while partner supports a 45 lb plate at a parallel squat)
    1 min L-sit (each partner must accumulate 1 min)
    25 meter handstand walk (the partner not walking on their hands must perform overhead walking lunge with a 45 lb plate/ partners must switch positions every time one falls from the handstand walk)

    - 9:39

    B: Scott and I just worked on some muscle up technique at the end.
