Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 6, 2014

Jerk x 2 x 5 (heavy)

Front Squat
87% x 4 x 3 
87% x 3 x 2

For Time:
100 Calories on AirDyne
 *Every 20 Cals, 5 Overhead Squats (185 lbs/115 lbs)

1 comment:

  1. A: 225, 235, 245, 260, 275 ... then hit a PR at 300!!
    * Jerks were obviously feeling pretty good today seeing as how I hit a 25 lb PR!

    B: 295 for all sets
    * These were rough I'm not gonna lie, but not everything is gonna feel good and easy and that's when u gotta push even harder.

    C: 7:07
    * We decided to switch it up a bit and hit this as a team wod. Congo line style, 30 cal on the air dyne and right to 8 OHS at 185/115. I missed the first attempt at the snatch because of a lazy second pull, but I hit the second one and got 6 OHS unbroken before breaking before the last 2.

    D: Practiced some handstand walks and bar muscle ups at the end.
