Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 4, 2014

5 sets of:
Clean x 1.1.1
rest 10 seconds between reps

80% x 5 reps
87.5% x 4 reps
95% x 3 reps

Good Morning 
29% x 8 x 3

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang Clean (135 lbs/ 95 lbs)
Handstand push-ups


  1. A: 225, 225, 235, 245, 255
    * These felt pretty good today. I've never tripled 255 before so that felt good!

    B: 350, 385, 420
    * The first two sets felt relatively easy, but the third set was kind of a gut check, but I got it done!

    C: 95 for all (straight leg dead)

    D: 7:13
    * Broke the hang cleans up from the beginning in order to save some energy for the HSPU and it seemed to work. I went 10/6/5 for the first, 9/6 and then 9 unbroken... Hit a set of 8 to start the HSPU and then pretty much went sets of 3 to 5 for the rest.

  2. A: 70-110 lbs - Felt good. My clean form is getting better.
    B: 280, 200, 210 - felt heavy but not impossible.
    C: Good stretch
    D: Time ran out on me but about 16:30. Hard a really hard time finding my balance on the HSPU. Broke all the cleans into sets of 5's to save my arms. On the last round of HSPU I found a good balance and was able to do all 9 HSPU unbroken. Really need to work on my balance because that's what ate up all my time.
