Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 9, 2014

Snatch from Blocks x 3 x 4 

Snatch Grip Push Press x 3 x 4 (heavy)

Back Squat
87%x 4
87%x 3 x 2
90%x 2 x 2

2 sets for times of:
KettleBell Swing 2pd/1.5pd
rest 4min


  1. A: 135, 145, 155, 165
    * Besides a couple sloppy reps, this felt pretty good. It was just a little awkward to get used to since I've never snatched from blocks before. I'll definitely go heavier next time.

    B: 155, 185, 205, 225
    * These felt really good. Next time I would start heavier for sure.

    C: 375, 375, 375, 385, 385
    * Squats felt ok today, the groin is still bothering me which sucks. The last rep was a little sloppy which pissed me off.

    D: 3:00 ... 3:22
    * This was definitely a burner for sure. I felt I kept a pretty consistent pace on both movements. It was definitely difficult to keep the same pace as the first set even after resting.

    E: Me and scott hit some handstand walks and L-sits at the end to get ready for the comp in elko. We completed 30 sec of L-sit each in 1:50

  2. A: Felt good for the most part. 50-75lbs
    B: Felt good, got heavy toward the last reps.
    C: Felt super heavy, all of them. My form was not great.
    D: Was able to keep every rep unbroken on both rounds. Got a little lost on the first round and lost some time.
