Monday, September 1, 2014

September 2, 2014

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
1 Muscle Up + 3 Dips

heavy single
80% of HS x 1 x 3

Pause Back Squat
70% x 4 x 5

As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
12 Wall Ball Shots (30/20lbs)
12 Burpee


  1. A: completed. Dis strict dips.

    B: worked up to 235, just Missed 245(my last pr) used 80% of 245-
    195# for 3 reps. Still just not aggressive enough with thé lock-out of thé elbows but feel like my speed is get ti g better

    C: 235 for pause squats. Definatly tough with thé pause. Legs are feeling it

    D: 6 rds plus 8 wall ball shorts. Kept 6/6 for sets on thé wall ball and just tried to keep steady on thé burpees but thé burpees slowed way down towards thé middle. Shoulders were spent!!!

  2. A: Started with 2 sloppy attempts, so I switched to jumping m/u's, did all 12 rounds (maybe a few extra rounds, I lost count so I just kept going)
    B: worked up to 175, then did 155
    D: 5 rounds plus 14 reps, just tried to keep moving and find a rythem with the 30# wallballs

  3. A. Completed. I did muscle ups from the ground then transitioned to strict muscle up for the last two muscle ups from standing.

    B. I worked up to 165# then did 145# for the three singles. This tied my old pr so i was happy about it

    C. used 145 and did the pause squats to a wallball so i didnt bounce. my hip flexors feel weak so im hoping this will help build them up

    D. I got 7 rounds exactly

  4. A: Completed
    * Strict ring dips and hit 8 on the last round.

    B: Built up to 270... missed 280 twice... used 225 for the singles.
    * I felt like my shoulders were just tired and I couldn't get that lockout on 280 ugh!

    C: Used 300 for all sets.
    * These were heavy and throwing the pause in definitely raises the intensity, but they still felt good and I was able to move the bar well.

    D: 7 + 14
    * The wall balls definitely got heavy but I did the first round unbroken, then went 7/5 for the rest except the last round I went 5/4/3... Kept a steady pace on the burpees.

  5. A. Did strict ring muscle ups and strict dips all unbroken

    B. Got up to 245 tried 255 too soon after the 245 cause I was excited and felt good but definitely didn't rest enough, maybe 20 seconds which is how long it took me to add weight haha but I felt like I could have gotten 255.

    C. Pause squats at 225 felt really good and solid

    D. 7 + 3, this hurt but I broke the wall balls into 6/6 from the start and kept a slow steady pace for the burpees entire time.
